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Renting a conference hall at Orlovsky Park Hotel is an excellent choice for your business events. The hotel offers a range of venues, perfectly suited for business meetings and presentations. The location is not only easlily accessible but also breathtakingly beautiful. Here, you can address business matters while strolling through historical sites or dining by the scenic lake.

Booking a conference hall at Orlovsky Park Hotel ensures high-quality service and professional event organization. The hotel’s infrastructure is equipped to handle meetings and conferences of various complexities. The hotel can accommodate several hundred people and features dining and relaxation areas for a comfortable and productive stay.

Conference halls

Conference Hall "Old Moscow"

Square 326 м²

The conference hall is designed in the style of Moscow of the 19th century. The walls are decorated with stucco moldings depicting a large theater and various architectural monuments of Moscow of that century. The decor elements in the hall are made of forged curved shapes, which gives the feeling that guests are on the streets of old Moscow. The furniture is similar to the furniture that was used in the 19th century on the streets of Moscow, and numerous sconces and chandeliers imitate the street lighting at night in parks and bus stations of that era.

Conference Hall "Ekaterininsky"

Square 523 м²

Времена правления Екатерины ІІ отличаются богатейшей культурой и насыщенной историей. Именно поэтому наш роскошный великолепный банкетный зал называется «Екатерининский»: тяжелые бархатные портьеры, мерцание свечей в позолоченных канделябрах, лепнина, блеск драгоценных камней и уникальная подсветка — все это поражает взор и вкус каждого нашего гостя. Банкетный зал открыт для проведения банкетов и презентаций. Кроме впечатляющего изысканного интерьера здесь присутствует вся палитра светового освещения и современное музыкальное оборудование.

Conference Hall AmBar AmBar

Square 194 / 240 м²

The unique art space AmBAR is set to open on February 2022. A separate two-storey building with elegant architecture provides an opportunity to hold events of various sizes: night events, corporate events, wedding celebrations.

A separate two-storey building with the option of holding night events. Equipped bar on the ground floor.

Conference hall "Winter Garden"

Square 92,1 м²

The panoramic windows of the winter garden offer guests a beautiful view of the Ludovna River and of the park. Located in the main building on the ground floor. Accommodates events for up to 30 people.

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